Bradford (BW) Shipley's


Bradford is in Mrs. Frazier's 2nd Grade Class and this is in a school in WNC.

They read a book about this flat little fellow named Flat Stanley.  Apparently, he is very popular.
The author of these books is Jeff Brown.  Below are some Flat Stanley books.


Bradford had  in March and April 2011.

Here is some of what they did and where they went!

Trees make paper (me) and wood (the pier)!

Buried in the sand!

Can't you read?

Myrtle Beach, please don't get me wet!

Look at that lawn!

I'd like to live here.

Let's go in.

I'm not a lion tamer!

Dining at the Biltmore.

Strike a pose.


This is relaxing and nerve racking.

Yee Haw!

To find out more about this flat little dude check out these sites.

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